Stainless Steel Demand

We calculate stainless steel demand (apparent and real) for long and flat products for around 75 countries worldwide.

Production - Exports + Imports = Apparent Consumption

Apparent Consumption can differ from real demand due to stock level fluctuations.

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Stainless Steel Production

Besides production of finished stainless steel flat and long products we also show the crude steel production.

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Stainless Steel Trade Flows

We do not just use raw stainless steel trade data for our market volumes, but carry out a very detailed analysis of the trade flows of each exporting country.

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End Use Analysis

We break down global and regional (Europe, N. America, S. America, China, Other Asia, M.East/Africa/CIS, Others) stainless steel demand into 5 categories and 78 individual end use segments.

End Use Segments

Stainless Steel Forecast

Our forecasts don't just show one line, but we forecast each of the 78 end use segments described above and consider trends and drivers of individual segments. This approach proved to provide accurate results.

Stainless Steel Prices

We developed the SMR monthly price census, comparing the price levels by region (Europe, USA, China) for various standard products (e.g. cold rolled coils or bars) in grade 304 & 316.

Raw Material Information

We track the most important raw materials required for stainless steel production. We show current and historic prices and describe trends, drivers & inhibitors.

  • Nickel (Nickel Pig Iron, Ferronickel)
  • Chrome
  • Stainless Steel Scrap (18/8)


Production Cost Analysis

Our extensive database about individual stainless and special steel producers allows us to calculate the production costs of virtually any producer and product form (grade, size, etc.) with high accuracy. Our cost model that has been developed together with leading special steel producers and engineering firms over the past 15 years is based on a profound understanding on production technologies and related cost parameters.

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