SMR helps to estimate CBAM cost for stainless steel imports

2024-12-13 Producer News, Market News, Distributor News Europe
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After over a year of testing the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), the discussion has started to shift from its feasibility and fairness to its potential costs.
CBAM, which began its pilot phase on October 1, 2023, is now a year away from entering its definitive phase on January 1, 2026, where charges will take effect. While the criticism persists, it is now clear the mechanism will proceed according to a planned timeline, although its final details remain uncertain. Hence, besides all the bureaucratic issues, another pressing concern for buyers and sellers of CBAM-covered goods is understanding how much the mechanism will increase the cost of imported products. To address this, SMR has developed the “CBAM Calculator”. Continue Reading? Please click box below!

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